Free Weekly Meal Planner Printable

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Free weekly meal planner printable

Firstly, I’m so sorry for the ridiculous silence this month! My computer died (sob), and it took me a couple of weeks to get a new one set up. I’ve also taken various days off work for my husband’s birthday and my own birthday, and I’ve had a big off-blog project to work on this week. In short: I’m rubbish. Sorry! But I’m back now with a working computer, hoorah!

Anyway – who’s into meal planning? I’ll admit, it’s not something I do regularly, but now that my daughter’s eating three meals with us every day, I’m finding myself more and more in need of a solid plan, otherwise we end up eating the same few things in rotation. This girl would be quite happy to eat her weight in yogurt and pasta for every meal, but I imagine that’s not an ideal diet for a 9 month old.

Weekly meal planner filled in on a kitchen counter

Instead, I’m trying to get in the habit of drafting out a meal plan at the start of each week. I don’t necessarily stick to it faithfully, but it’s helpful to have a few ideas jotted down for easy meals. I try to make sure my daughter doesn’t eat the same thing too often – so if we have toast for breakfast, for example, I’ll try not to have bread again for the rest of the day. Variety = a more balanced diet!

I’ve teamed up with stock image site Vecteezy to create this free weekly meal planner printable. There are some really cute graphics on their site, including the little veggies we used on this printable! Just print it out, fill it in with some meal ideas for the week, and stick it on your fridge. There’s a space for each day of the week, plus a ‘things to remember’ section where you can jot down any other notes for the week.

Weekly meal planner printable filled in alongside a pen

Planning your meals in advance has so many benefits, including:

– it encourages you to eat more healthily – you’re more likely to eat healthily if you have a good meal already planned out
– it makes food shopping quicker and easier, since you know exactly what you’ll need for the week
– it’s cheaper – no more spontaneous take aways or meals out
– you can ensure you eat a balanced diet with lots of variation
– it creates less food waste, since you know when each food item will be used

So who fancies joining me in some meal planning?

Your free weekly meal planner printable is really easy to download – just click below, then print it out in colour or black and white. Let me know how you get on with it! I’d love to see some of your completed meal plans – tag me on Instagram @amuseyourbouche

Note: I worked with Vecteezy to create this printable meal planner, but this is not a sponsored post, and I was not compensated for this collaboration.

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  1. This is so cute!
    I don’t do much meal planning since i’m a household of one, but i do some batch cooking every weekend. I make a pot of grains (barley, quinoa, farro, etc) and some kind of bean, usually two salad dressings since i have salad for lunch every day and a tray of roasted veggies. It’s maybe two hours total, mostly hands off. The rest of the week i can quicky assemble a meal using some of what I already have on hand.

  2. Ta very much, like all your recipes, they are well set out and easy to understand. and taste great.
    Many thanks I’ve had great success with quite a few of them.

  3. ……I started using a meal planner when I had a young family with various feeding requirements .I wanted to ensure that i included all the necessary nutritional things & I ended up with a 4 week rota. Once the initial planning was done it made catering & shopping much easier. Even now when we are an older couple I still use it as it saves me having to try to remember all the recipes we like!